Trudeau and Newsom link up – How to flee this nightmare?

Two of the most prominent petty tyrants in North America have linked up and make a joint short video.


The most prominent petty tyrants known to North America have joined forces in a -giddy teenager style- video and promise to turn people’s lifes even more miserable in a continental scale.

Trudeau’s Canada: the petty tyrant and serial liar with its “prison state” that doesn’t allow unvaccinated citizens to air travel outside Canada (while embracing thousands of unvaccinated refugees from Ukraine) meets;

Newson’s California: The leftist dead set in achieving secular high levels of crime, drug use and emigration for the state with record high gas, electric power grid issues also making California LOSE residents at the highest level in 40 years (he forgot he can’t force people to stay lol)

I can only imagine the kind of amazing new horror show these two will bring to their citizens next.

Well know the “growing our economies” is a lie, both are consistently failing to do so over and over…. and protecting the nature? What nature? The nature of people that profit handsomely from government mandates?