FHRITP! – 3.4 million times


Another day, another reason to lose faith in humanity to the tune of 3.4 MILLION VIEWS.

Some “maple syrup eater” journalist was the victim of the infamous FHRITP gag, (where someone yells FHRITP during a news reporting with the intention to be obnoxious and ruin the broadcast, as you know, they can’t air profanity) and proceeds to have a mental breakdown. Upon arriving home, she decided it she was victim enough to fish for support online, and posted the video on twitter, along with a rant about how the world is unfair to her and everything needs to stop. Honey, we know your bf dumped you, lets get over it okay?

Shes about to break, I swear, just ONE MORE THING AND I WILL BREAK AHHHHHH

Funny right? Well, no, kind of sad really. But wait, you haven’t see the good part yet, this is the good part:

I changed my mind regarding the whole “defund the police” thing, I think they might have a point after all.

Wait… what? Are you telling me there are no other more urgent matter for the Waterloo Regional Police to deal with? You can see in the region crime map here. Maybe yelling FHRITP is a crime now? Not sure. How can women be so oppressed and victimized if for the slightest foul cry on twitter the city Chief of police take it upon himself to “look into the matter” of a childish prank? You can see the video, I can see the video, they could see the video, everyone can see the video. Not much happened there, yet the police still considering “looking into it”. Is the police, an institution funded by taxpayer money, bending over backwards to find a crime and punish someone because there as a woman whining on twitter?

bow to your Queen, peasants.

I always knew that all the Canadian police did was horse around and dress pretty for when the queen visited the British colony in North America known as Canada but that’s a whole new level.

Lots of the replies pointed out the reporter’s overreaction. Astonishingly, (I guess because “we live in a society”) many others found reasons to shower the attention starved reported with victim points and praise, from your internet SIMP to the female rights activist wannabes, almost as she was the victim of a heinous crime that must STOP and not go unpunished.

I guess I see the point. When children get praise and encouragement for playing the victim there are no incentives to behave as adults, it is easier to take the lazy road and be the victim. When you can get the chief of police siding with your foul cry, its hard to pass this level of appeasement. Here we have a able-bodied white woman crying sexual harassment because someone yelled something well over 50ft away form her, while she was doing some irrelevant reporting on something she wont even remember when the camera cuts out. It must STOP? Yes, it must stop. You must stop trying to be a victim for appeasement, fame and clout.

The famous FHRITP gag came after a viral video, and has been “performed” in front of any news camera someone can get in front of, doesn’t matter if the news cast is male or female. (want proof? check the video on the right, gee)

In any case, I was wondering: where does it actually come from? After some research and to my surprise, the original video it was a hoax all along! There is even an article on Gawker about it. A guy named John Cain explains in the video below how he set-up the hoax and includes even some hilarious bloopers. (you have to log-in on youtube, since yelling FHRITP repeatedly makes your video age-restricted on youtube it seems).

click on “Watch on Youtube” I don’t know how to make it easier for you.
If you put in a groovy beat, youtube wont censor it.

I also remember about the video where the male reporter himself said FHRITP on camera. As mentioned int he previous age-restricted video, it is the SAME GUY.

The creator of the hoax even has his own youtube channel and sells merch. The guy made his whole career out of the “FHRITP” hoax. Amazing.

A joke hoax and in the year 2021 we have a female reporter crying sexual harassment (that MUST stop!) because of an old childish viral joke. What are we even doing as a society?