Cancel Culture: Tech company launches “cancel bot”


An American company from San Francisco has launched a “cancel bot”, that can be used to more easily find damning pictures, tweets, blogs and Facebook posts that display insensitive content. The creator claims the project was inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and that he believes in social justice.

A company representative stated “our objective is to make the internet a more diverse and free of hate” and that the bot is “aimed to find people that have displayed discriminatory or abusive behaviour online”. He also stated that he hopes that “connecting the online persona to the real life perpetrator will help bring accountability for their actions”.

“We developed this software for organizations, journalists and social justice conscious individuals that want to either veto individuals they look to associate themselves with or to identify offenders and bring their attentions to public scrutiny.” A message on their website says. “People can be identified and bring their behavior to the attention of their peers and institutions they are part of”.

When asked if this tool could lead to abuse and harassment, the sportsperson said “We believe people would use it responsibly”.

The bot can search information spanning from years ago, the company has not disclosed if had any client as of yet.