Most entertaining car salesman


Youtube has become a fertile ground when it comes to auto information, car reviews and car videos in general, thing that was restricted to mainstream magazines and publications for many years.

Unfortunately, while the interest on the “Automotive youtube” picked up steam in the last decade, so did the overgrowth in irrelevant, uneducated people trying to tag along and make money out of the trend. It has become quite hard to find an interesting automotive channel, requiring to go thru a lot of mediocrity before finding anything worthwhile.

One day while looking for videos of a particular car (an older Mercedes model), I came across this sales video from Auto Europa Naples, boy oh boy, I was in for a treat.

Bill reviews the 1998 Mercedes SL600

His meticulous work presenting a car’s features, quirks and potential storage places for weapons, transitions seamlessly into an entertaining rant on all sorts of subjects. Case in point the video I added on the right for your pleasure. Worth mentioning his series about the COVID19 that were of particular brilliance and foresight.

I’m not saying he brings an in-depth review of the car, but brings you enough to be interested if you are looking for some basic information to acquire one of less common models he reviews.

Auro Europa Naples just wanted to sell cars but gained unexpected traction and became a search staple on youtube.

With his videos running anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, Bill brings us not only exemplary specimens of vehicles for sale, but also his hatred for flying pests, lazy detailers and obnoxious drivers.

While being camera shy, Bill single-handedly achieved almost 50.000 subscribers for his dealer channel while simply trying to sell cars with absolutely no effort to bring people in. His video reviews easily reach 30.000 views with a number of them breaking 100.000 views. A quick glance at the comment section shows what is helping to bring people in: his personality, the human behind it.

The videos can easily be renamed as “Florida Man complains about everything while showing a car” and be easily mistaken by what happens when someone goes see a car for sale on craigslist and the owner is way too bored by doing nothing all day that he take the time to entertain his automotive guests (and this is not bad). Some basic relevant information (showing a car in pristine shape, which would help anyone buying one of the same model, especially if the car is older) with commentary is what everyone is looking for on youtube (cult following of youtubers proves me right).

I might not buy a car from them right now but if the day comes, Bill is the guy I would want to talk to (and hopefully not get him too annoyed).

My take: Pure gold. 10/10. Would positively buy a car from him.